Book a Geek or get in touch

Offering tech support and computer repairs throughout South East QLD, our team can resolve your tech issues either on-site or remotely. Contact us today to get started.

Need to make a booking?

Use our online booking portal to schedule an appointment with Mobile Computer Geeks. It takes only five minutes to pick a date, time, and technician for your tech issue. Skip the phone queues and get fast, hassle-free tech support!

Need to have a chat with us about something we haven't covered?


(07) 3063 7616

Online Bookings


Hours (AEST):

Monday – Friday: 8am – 7pm
Saturday: 9am – 12pm
Sunday: 9am – 12pm

Need computer repair services? At Mobile Computer Geeks, our technicians are skilled, experienced, and friendly, ready to offer exceptional computer repairs, PC, or IT support throughout South East QLD.

We can call you

During business hours, we’ll call you within 2 hours to confirm your appointment and answer any questions. If it’s outside of business hours, we’ll contact you by 10am the next day.

Need faster assistance? Use our online booking portal to choose your date, time, and technician immediately!


Brisbane's Best Geeks
We Come To You